PD Foot Health established in 2020, is a family owned business offering solutions to all foot health needs both in our clinics and onsite. Providing professional and high quality foot care services across Ireland PD Foot Health cater to all needs.
Associate Member of the Irish Chiropodists/Podiatrists Organisation
Registered Members of the Smae Institute, Maidenhead, United Kingdom
Registered Members of the British Association of Foot Health Practitioners
PD Foot Health provides a full range of foot care services including, nail reduction, corn removal, ingrown nail treatment, verruca and wart treatments, hard skin reduction, orthotics, sports injuries, biomechanical assessments and much more.
Also specialising in care for the elderly, diabetics and patients with disabilities or special needs, PD Foot Health provides care to patients from the comfort of their own facilities with our onsite clinics at Hospitals, Care Homes and Nursing Homes. These clinics must be pre arranged.
During these clinics’ patients benefit from access to foot care from our professionals with limited interruptions to their daily routine. Reduced costs are available for larger booking quantities and regular bookings.
Phone: 0873607194 / 0857232609
Email: info@pdfoothealth.ie